What Goes on During an Inspection. Part One.

What Goes on During an Inspection. Part One.

While we can’t speak for every contractor, we can share what we at Guaranteed Gutters do. 

Peter completing a FREE gutter inspection.

Peter completing a FREE gutter inspection.

From completing free inspections to taking photos of problem areas, Because We Care, we aim to make your number one need, our number one priority, always aiming to go the extra mile. 

Although a few of the most common problems we come into contact with could have been avoided with a routine gutter and downspout cleaning, by the time we locate the problem area, a repair is needed.

Read on to learn how to spot common problem areas and repair them yourself.

Loose Gutters/ Gutters Pulling Away

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This is when gutters pull away from the roofline causing a gap between the gutter and your house’s roofline. Thankfully, in most cases, loose gutters do not have to be replaced, especially if they are aluminum. So long as your gutter has a proper slope and a solid support system, your gutters should last you for years and years to come. However, because you already have loose gutters, one of the two items listed above are in need of repair. In this case, your support system. Our recommendation, installing heavy duty hidden hangers. After completing this repair, your gutter system will be brought up to par. 

Downspout Splits

Whenever you have a downspout split, 9/10 times that means there is debris or ice building up in your downspout. When too much debris or ice is collecting in your downspout, you are bound to run into downspout splits in which the seam on the back of the downspout opens up, allowing draining water to come out. If this isn’t fixed fast, your home can easily be susceptible to siding, brick and foundation damage. Our recommendation, weatherproofing the back of the downspout with 100% silicone. By this repair, not only will your system be brought up to par, but you will now have a downspout that will be able to expand and retract dependent on weather conditions.  

Clogged Downspouts

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These might be our favorite repair as most times, clogged downspouts are problem areas that are well hidden! Whenever we run into a clog downspout, the solution is simple. Clean and clear it. By this, not only will your system be brought up to par, but your downspout will now have the ability to transport water freely away from the system, preventing any future repairs- so long as routine maintenance is conducted.   

For more tips or comments regarding problem areas and how to locate / repair them, feel free to contact us at 773-685-9556.

It takes HOW much debris?

It takes HOW much debris?

Did you know, whether it be from your own system or even your neighbors, it does NOT take much to clog a downspout- or a gutter for that matter.

So long as the placement is just right, any time debris falls in the gutters or downspouts of homes, clog formation is possible.

Whether from bird’s nest, tennis balls, soda cans, toy helicopter planes, clogged strainers or just a handful of debris, here at Guaranteed Gutters, we’ve seen all of these items clog a gutter system. Thankfully, a regularly scheduled cleaning can solve most water-related issues. 9/10 times when a clog is present, overflow occurs, causing your home to show signs that there is a clog someplace. And while gutter systems are built to withstand 650 gallons of weight for every 1,000 square feet present, it is not ideal that you allow your systems to go through such heavy carrying for long periods of time.

Solution? A routine gutter and downspout cleaning!

Though every home and every gutter system is different, from experience with studying homes, it is ideal to maintain your system at least twice a year, during the Spring and Fall.

Spring to get ready for the Spring rains and Fall to get ready for the cold winter as statistics show when routine gutter and downspout maintenance is ignored or pushed back, what was once a small task can easily turn into larger issues, such as animal infestation, mold etc.. So don’t ignore or push back your gutter maintenance today. When you schedule with us, your assessment is FREE. Schedule today.

What Should You Do When Your Gutter Downspout Gets Clogged?

What Should You Do When Your Gutter Downspout Gets Clogged?

Do you notice your gutter downspout is so filled with debris, it’s completely clogged? You’re probably wondering what to do. Keep reading to learn your different options.

Don’t Wait

Homeowners usually have a long list of spring-cleaning chores. For some, clearing gutters are at the top of the list. Good job!

Cleaning gutters and downspouts at least twice each year is ideal.

Cleaning in the fall after your trees shed the last of their leaves and cleaning in the spring after the last of the snow and ice melts are monumental times for cleaning systems.

At the time of cleaning, with the debris removed, you will then have greater visibility on any problem areas. Gutter debris is easily seen, but you don’t always know what’s stuck in downspouts and drains buried underground.

Regular cleanings helps eliminate clogged gutters and downspouts. It also helps reduce corrosion from rust.

Clean, rust-free gutters last longer so block out a Saturday and grab your gloves!

The Art of Gutter Maintenance

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Gutter cleaning does take a certain finesse.

Starting with the ladder, you want to make sure you don’t use the ricketiest ladder in the garage. For gutter protection, be careful that you don’t rest the ladder up against gutters as gutters are susceptible to dents. Try a ladder stabilizer.

While you’re in the garage, grab your rake, your garden hose and a pistol grip trigger spray nozzle.

Before you get to the gutters and downspouts, use the rake and hose to clear the roof. This is a great time to clean off any moss and other debris from the roof. If you don’t do this step, the next time it rains, all that debris will flow down into the gutters.

Next, put on sturdy work gloves. This will protect your hands not only from scratches and cuts but from bacteria.

For safety reasons, you don’t want your bare hands digging around where critters nest.

If this doesn’t sound like a fun weekend activity, call a professional and make things easier on yourself.

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I Think I Might Have a Clog

Even people who faithfully clean their gutters get a clog every now and then.

The obvious sign of a clog is water flowing over the gutters. Sheets of water spilling over gutters means a dam exists either in the gutter or in the downspout.


Another sign of a clogged gutter is nothing flowing from your downspout during snowmelt or a rainstorm. If you notice a lack of water draining during early spring, you may have ice that hasn’t melted in a downspout.

If your downspouts are dry while the rest of the neighborhood is experiencing Niagara Falls, you have a problem! Don’t ignore it. Water that doesn’t drain properly away from the roof usually ends up seeping through walls and ceilings.

Clearing Gutter Downspout Clogs 101


No scare tactics intended but the last thing you want is a costly repair bill due t o water damage caused by a clogged gutter system.

The good news is you likely have a small object or a cluster of leaves and twigs clogging up a downspout. This is a relatively easy fix because you simply disconnect the downspout from the drain at the bottom and force water into it from the garden hose.

You might need to give it a few strong taps, but the clog should dislodge.

If the hose doesn’t do the trick, try a plumbing snake. If that doesn’t work, you’ll need to take the downspout off and take it apart. This gives you better access to the clog.

Hint: If the downspout connects to an underground drain, disconnect the downspout from the drain. Otherwise, you risk pushing the clog into the underground drain.

Once you go through these maneuvers, clear the gutters with the hose so you can avoid any remaining debris creating another clog.

Clogs Underground

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Clogs also form in buried drainpipes. While gutters and downspouts help control runoff from your roof, they’re not effective if water isn’t moved far enough from your home’s foundation.

Homeowners often use a series of buried drainpipes connected to downspouts. This set-up helps avoid water from collecting near the foundation. Many basements are saved from water damage every year because homeowners use these tactics.

If you have a back-up in a buried gutter downspout you have your work cut out for you. Buried drainpipes drain to one of the following:

  • Main storm sewer
  • Daylight
  • Drywell

Daylight refers to a point lower than your house. It’s usually a spot in the yard where water flows out at grade level. If you have a daylighted drain, you should see the end of it sticking out in the grass.

A dry well is filled with gravel, which allows water to percolate into the soil.

You can usually clear clogs in buried drainpipes by flushing them out with a hose. If not, you probably have a more extensive clog than you can handle with simple home maintenance tools.

At this point, calling a gutter downspout cleaner saves you headaches and could save you some money.

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Cover Up Those Gutters

As you can see, gutters and downspouts develop clogs for a variety of reasons.

Whether it’s an overabundance of leaves in the fall or accumulations of snow and ice in the winter, gutters take quite a beating. Added to natural causes are animals who find a welcome place to build nests and take up residence.

Consider adding gutter covers this year. Gutter covers, also called gutter guards, fit directly into your gutters. They protect gutters from accumulations of leaves and blossoms from flowering trees all while discouraging animals from building nests in gutters.

In areas of the country with extremely cold winter temperatures, you can also add heat to gutters and prevent ice dams.

Need Help with a Clogged Gutter?

Hopefully, this post helped you understand what to do if you have a clogged gutter system.

Of course, the best thing you as a homeowner can do is avoid gutter downspout clogs in the first place. The best way to do that is to schedule routine gutter cleanings.

If you’re one of the many homeowners who prefer not to climb ladders, or if you simply don’t have time, let a professional take care of this task for you.

Contact us today and let’s get you on the schedule for gutter maintenance.

Why Clogged Gutters are Bad News

Why Clogged Gutters are Bad News

No one enjoys gutters cleaning. However, your clogged gutters can mean some seriously bad news. Here’s what damage clogged gutters can cause.

We all know cleaning out the gutters on a regular basis is a pain. Unfortunately, it’s also entirely necessary.

In fact, neglected gutter cleaning and maintenance can cost you big money in the long run. Most people don’t equate clogged gutters to other damages around the house, but the truth is, poor gutter maintenance can affect almost every part of your home.

However, failure to care for gutters is quite common, as nearly 25% of homeowners in America admit they never do it.

Why is it such a big deal?

Read on to learn why gutter cleaning and maintenance is one of the most important things you can do for your house! And what damage clogged gutters can cause.

Damage to Superficial Roofing

As dirt, sediment, and shingle granules accumulate in your gutters over time, it begins to block water flow. If left too long without a gutter cleaning, it creates a dam of sorts.

This build-up disallows the redirection and displacement of water through the gutters, down the downspout, and away from the home.

Depending on the severity of the clog, it may begin to cause damage to superficial layers of your roof and fascia near the roof. The stopped-up water and moisture can start to rot the wood and warp the shingles near the gutters.

Finally, built up moisture in freezing temperatures can destroy your gutters and they will have to be repaired or replaced.

Damage to Structural Roofing

Unfortunately, water and moisture build-up can start to affect more than just the superficial layers of your home.

If left unchecked, clogged gutters can actually start to weaken the structure of your home and roof. It sounds extreme, but it’s true.

Over time, excess water and moisture will begin to seep into the internal structure of the roof, especially as more damage is being done to the superficial layers.


At this point, you need to start worrying about wood rotting in your roof structure and mold growth, which can be a potential health risk to you and your family.

Regular gutter cleaning will prevent mold build-up and keep your family healthy.

Drywall Damage

Water-damaged drywall is a chore to replace. You have to knock out the damaged parts of the wall, replace it, and repaint it.

Most people relate water-damaged drywall to basement flooding, however, neglecting your gutter cleaning can have a similar effect.

For example, if your roof is damaged to the point of water leaking into the attic, it won’t be long until that moisture makes its way down the walls, slowly rotting out your drywall.

Secondly, clogged gutters don’t direct the flow of water properly, which can lead to large amounts of water making its way inside and into places it shouldn’t be.

Paint Damage


Along with drywall water damage comes the water damage to paint. However, aside from the possibility of interior paint damage, there’s also the risk of paint damage to the exterior of your home.

Clogged gutters will allow water and moisture to sit where it will begin to seep under surfaces, including the exterior walls of your home, where it can rot wood and ruin the paint.

Unfortunately, at this point, that part of the wall will need to be replaced or resealed, as rotting wood can be repainted, but it only temporarily fixes the problem.

Regular gutter cleaning can prevent this, saving you money, time, and effort.

Foundation Damage


As mentioned above, the purpose of your gutter system is to direct water away from your house.

However, a clogged gutter system will allow water to come out wherever it can, sometimes spilling over and down the sides of the house and into the foundation.

Even if your home doesn’t have negative drainage, water from over-spilling gutters can seep into the base of the house, causing water damage and cracks in the foundation.

Water Damage in the Basement

If gutter cleaning is left neglected to the point of foundation damage, you can also expect to have some internal water-damage in the basement.

Depending on how finished your basement is, you could be looking at more water damage to paint, drywall, carpet, etc..

Gutter cleaning can prevent the hassle of tearing out drywall and redoing sections of your wall. It will also save you from needing to pull up the soaked carpet to mop up pools of water.

Waterfalls and Over-Spills


When gutter cleaning hasn’t been done for a long time, the dirt and sediment buildup in the gutters can reach a point of total blockage.

Either in a single point or the entirety of the gutter, this can cause vast quantities of water to over-spill. Unfortunately, these waterfalls tend to happen in the worst places.

Any plant life under the gutters will be drowned and beat up by the sheer weight of the falling water.

Unfortunately, the waterfalls can occur in terribly inconvenient places, such as directly above the front or back door. This problem is two-fold, as you don’t want to unwittingly walk out into it, nor do you want it flooding in under your door.

Unwanted Pests

Finally, a less expected consequence of putting your gutter cleaning off for too long is the unwelcome guests you create a habitat for.

As gutters build up with dirt and sediment, it can actually start growing its own plants, as wind-blown seeds make their way onto your roof and into your gutters.

This “natural habitat” makes it the ideal place for rodents, squirrels, spiders, and birds to move in. This also creates a great spot for hornet nests to appear.

Unfortunately, it’s only a matter of time until these critters find their way inside your house.

If you want to avoid needing pest control on your roof and in your attic, get a gutter cleaning!

Gutter Cleaning and More

Gutter cleaning isn’t for everyone. With power lines, heights, and wobbly ladders, perhaps it’s best left to professionals.

However, that’s not all we do!

Along with cleaning, maintaining and repairing gutters and downspouts, we also install gutter guards. Give us a call or check out our website!

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